Friday, November 5, 2010

A Brief Thought On Marriage

It seems that once you get married in this particular culture, that it is expected that you are no longer your self. People don't ask you how you are any more. They only ask you how married life is. Your individuality is no longer a question, as though you have been assimilated by the Borg in Star Trek:

But I assure you. It's not like that at all. It really isn't. Marriage is great. But I still have thoughts of my own. I still have good days and bad days that are my own good/bad days. I still do things all by myself. I still have my own opinions, and I actually can have a conversation about things unrelated to marriage. I am still me. But no one asks about me. It is only we. And somehow it always comes back to that.

Am I weird? Has my programming failed me, like Hugh in the episode "I Borg". I will have to speak with some serious nerds about this.

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