Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Number One

I want to give a shout-out to my amazing girlfriend, Rachel. I have not done the best job of expressing how important she has become to me. This week she took the time to go out of her way to get a lot of her friends to vote for my photos on the Capture My Utah thing, and it reminded me how much I have come to depend on her constant support and faith in me. I do have a tendency to get down on myself and overwhelmed by my fear of failure. But she is always there to pick me up and let me know that I can do it. So thank you, Rachel, for that, and for believing in me more than I probably deserve. You are the best thing that has happened to me.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Surprise of Good Fortune

I was checking my Yahoo mail, which I never check almost ever, and discovered that last week I was among the select few who won the dubious honor of having a weekly pick in the Capture My Utah photo contest. I have always had mixed feelings about photo contests. This one has been a unique experience in seeing which ones the general public responds to and which ones they don't. The ones I like the most seem to get the lowest ratings, and ones I don't really care that much for get the highest. I'm not really sure what that means. Maybe it means that I'm not good at predicting the taste of normal people. I do have questionable taste.

The one in particular which has seemingly been recognized is a fairly insignificant shot of the McCune Mansion in Salt Lake City that I took as part of my final project for Whitney King's Intermediate Photography class at SLCC. Those were the days. Good times. Good people. Learning all about the zone system of Black & White photography, and all that good stuff about expansions, and contractions, and split-filtering, and whatnot.

Anyway, I'm just rambling. It's been a while since I had any good news for myself on the photography front, so I felt like patting myself on the back just a little. It's time to do some good stuff again.

Monday, September 21, 2009


After the tragic death of my old fish Kelvin, I got a new fish named Poseidon. I have not gotten around to posting about it because I'm still bitter about the whole Kelvin situation. And then I adopted some cats which have taken all my attention away. Nevertheless, I figured I should get around to it at last. Poseidon deserves his day in the spotlight, after all. So here are some crude photos of my second pet, the new lord of Chateau de Kelvin. (It is not even remotely easy to photograph through a fishbowl).

Friday, September 11, 2009

My New Roommates



So my condo was recently claimed by a couple of furry creatures named Leonard and Loki. And since then most people have reacted with an incredulous leer and by saying, "But I never took you as a cat person." What does that mean? I wonder. How exactly does one qualify as a cat person?

In my defense I can say that I have watched both versions of Cat People, and thoroughly enjoyed them. I even watched The Curse of the Cat People, although that one doesn't actually involve any cats as far as I remember (It was great though). Those are all some fabulous movies and I would highly recommend them to cat people of all ages. Except for the 1982 one. You are never quite old enough for that one. Watch it at your own risk I suppose.

Cat People (1942)

Cat People (1982)

Curse of the Cat People

That's all I really got. Maybe I'm not really a cat person. Maybe I'm just a poser. But I do love those kitties already. They keep me company. They love to play hide and go seek. I'm pretty sure if you walked into my condo right now there would be no sign of their existence. It's surprising how hard it is to find them when they don't want to be found.

People also keep asking me why? Truth is, I don't know. I have wanted to for a while, and Rachel finally pushed me into actually doing it. I need a little help sometimes with my motivation to act.

So I don't know why I got them but nor do I honestly know why I never had any cats before. I offer no excuse. They are pretty awesome. What more can I say?