Monday, June 14, 2010

L&L: Sunshine

Ummmm, so, in consideration of the fact that Brandon has dropped the ball with this blogging stuff, (and in a few other areas as well, ahem!), I think we should take advantage of this time to post a movie review.

Yeah, we have had a bit too much time on our paws for the viewage. We may as well. How about Sunshine?

Hmmph! Yeah! Like, we have only watched it six or seven times in the last week. I'm kind of over it actually. It's so 2008.

Funny you should mention that, seeing how you were so awesomely fuzzy and cute in 2008. I mean, seriously, you were hardly even born yet.

I will cut you!

Let's do this!

Biting, scratching, and hissing commences for several minutes along with violent crashing noises and breaking glass.

Where were we? Oh yes, Sunshine is one of those films that floated by just beneath the radar and went pretty much unnoticed by the mainstream, and yet it isn't really bad at all. It's a thoughtful film about the Sun. A subject that has not been explored at all in science fiction. Ironic since our entire existence as we know it revolves around it, and whatnot.

As the film begins we learn that our Sun is dying and a space ship has been sent to reignite it. Like all great Sci-fi, it is completely, ridiculously preposterous. I really couldn't care less about the scientific accuracy. But it does raise interesting questions about our place in the universe, and what it all means. It also has some fun with the mind-blowing theoretical problems that might arise if you had the job of flying into the Sun on a spaceship.

As well as the baser problems that may be experienced when carbon-based life forms are stuck in close quarters for way too long. Like me kicking your ass!

Biting and scratching resumes with even greater ferocity.

(sighs) Some people just never learn. But that's off the subject here. All in all, Sunshine is a worthy piece of entertainment. Not really on the level of the great ones, ie: "Solaris", "2001: a Space Oddysey", or "Alien". The reason it misses that mark is mostly due to the fact that it can't decide which one of those three it is aiming for. It tries to be all three in one, and fails. But it does fail beautifully. Not Danny Boyle's best film, but like all Danny Boyle films it is better than 98% of the other tripe out there.

And being a Danny Boyle film I was waiting the entire time for someone to fall into a monstrous puddle of human excrement. Much to my disappointment that never happened. In fact, there was not a speck of poo to be seen anywhere in this film, which raises very interesting questions about the future. What does Mr. Boyle know about the gastrointestinal functions of future space flight. Inquiring minds need to know.

You aren't even taking this seriously. I'm going to take a nap.
