Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Official White House Photo Stream

Oddly enough, there is an official White House photo stream on Flickr. My mind can't quite get around it because I'm used to the daily goings on of the government being some sort of classified secret most of the time, unless of course there is a giant sign hanging in the air that says, "Mission Accomplished." I realize that anything that comes from the White House must first pass through several commitees of fixers who must determine that it projects the correct image for the day. Nonetheless, I see this thing as something not only entertaining, but also positive in the progress of government. Therefore I just wanted to post this link here, because I love looking at these photos from the Official White House photographer and think we can all be amused by it together in this happy land of milk and honey.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The best Star Trek ever.

This is a preview of the best Star Trek episode ever, entitled "The Enemy Within". It was written by Richard Matheson, the same guy who wrote the book "I Am Legend", and it is pure genius. I just wanted to share it.


So, just a random example of the weirdness of life in this age of postmodern angst:

I was watching the news today and they were reporting on this weird laughing festival that was taking place in Japan, in observance of world laughter day (or something like that). I did not know that it was world laughter day. I didn't know that we now needed such a day. In any case, people had all come together in this park to laugh. They weren't laughing at anything funny. They were just standing in large circles, and groups, laughing forcibly. It was very awkward.

Although it was quite possibly the funniest thing I have seen in a long time, for reasons that go to the very heart of comedy, I was also very disturbed that something like this exists. After all, when people need a special event to laugh, then something is very rotten in Tokyo.

In other news: I have begun noticing that young teenagers that I work with have actually begun to use the term "Laugh Out Loud" in place of actually laughing in general conversation. I'm really not making this up. I wish I was.

And that is all I have to say about that.