Sunday, January 31, 2010

L&L@M: Vampires

A while back I wrote a vampire screenplay along with my friends Josh and Ashton. Long, long story. It is pretty ridiculous. I might have to post some highlights on here. But that's another story. Since I did that, almost every idea we had in the thing was ripped off by all the vampire movies that come out these days. Just the other day my cats and I were watching a new one, "Thirst", from Korea, and it became official: there is nothing original left in our screenplay. In ours the two main vampires get in an argument about whether or not it is moral for vampires to kill people. Should vampires follow human rules, or just kill without remorse like a fox killing a chicken? The only thing our script, "Blood & Guts", has going for it is that it's funny. But never mind.


I have been a long admirer of the bizarre films of Chan-wook Park. But I must confess that I have no idea what this movie was really about. I was following it for a while and then it just got totally weird, but I was strangely aroused, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Just don't fight it, man. Blood, lust, suicidal vampires, awkward foot fetishes. What in Hell is there not to like about this movie? No. Scratch that. What is there not to Love about it? It's my new second favorite movie of all time. Right behind Deliverance.

That is deeply disturbing. You should probably seek counseling, or at least heavy medication. But I approve.

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