I really think I will make the color fest an annual tradition. I'm pretty sure that you could go to it every year for the rest of your life and your mind would never stop being blown by the craziness of it. It is definitely one of the most interesting things to do in Utah. And besides, I love taking pictures of the weird people there.
Seriously. What the hell was that last pic about? This is one of those events that brings out the weirdos because you really can't be too silly for it. It's a rare chance to make bizarre fashion statements and then get all dirty with a lot of people. The strange thing is how most people really do wear the same sorts of things. Eighties fashion was apparently this year's theme. And then there is the old, standby hazmat suits.
Aside from all that though, I really tried to focus on taking pics of my friends this year. Last year I dedicated an entire roll of film to the same people, but alas, the photo gremlins got that roll. It somehow turned out blank. That's one of the risks you take with film. Mistakes were made. This year I was more prepared to capture the very important peeps.
My lovely fiance. I do love her, even when she smiles. Although oft times her pictures come out looking all hard-ass, Don't let her fool you. Her pictures are all Grrrr! Yum. I like it. But in reality she is all sweetness and mercy. I like that too. And I should know. She puts up with all my nonsense. She definitely adds to my manly powers just by being around. Everybody should have a Rachel in their life to spice it up.
As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even know about this event if not for her. Last year she told me about it because her friend Michael Wiltbank was going to it, and I was like, "Yes! We must do that!" The rest is history. So I still owe her a few brownie points for bringing me into this adventure twice. Especially when you consider that this second time she woke up at 7 AM to go to 2 bridal showers. (I'm pretty sure that I'm don't envy that ritual of the women. Bachelor parties are much more awesome. No offense. Just sayin'. Nevertheless she was a real, hardcore trooper to go breathe in all that filthy dust with us after that sort of a workout.
She also brought most of the people below into this adventure. She is the instigator in these things. Somehow she always can get more people to show up. She has that mysterious power of popularity that I used to try so hard to understand when I was in high school. Now that I am older I have given up. I just bask in her popularity by proxy. It feels like I actually have a social life when I'm with her. But that's just the icing on the cake.
In short, Rachel is awesome. She is sexy, and awesome. She is one hot mess of awesomeness, even when she isn't all colored up. She isn't normally this filthy. But I liked it anyway. It was hot.
My little sis. Apparently she got all crazy and rocked out while I was up on top of the temple. Therefore I missed her crazy side. I'm a little bitter about that. I've never seen anything like it.
One of my groomsmen, and Rachel's cousin. We hang out with him all the time. He is pretty cool, and has a beard like Jesus, which came in handy for filtering dust out of the air. I'm pretty sure that this was the best use for a beard ever. I want to grow one for next year's colorfest. Unfortunately I can only grow a scraggly neck beard. Therefore I am very jealous of this dude.
A friend, and Rachel's wife. She is somehow very photogenic whilst covered with colorful chalk. That is a very special talent, not to be taken lightly.
Rachel's little sis
Rachel's little bro #1
Karalee and Ryan
Some friends from the UC who will very soon be married.
My photo friend who held the riot down so that nothing important happened before we got there. I knew she had that power. We photo geeks have a lot of mysterious powers. I'll just leave it at that.