Thursday, November 12, 2009

Safety Ride

Imagine the following scenario:

You are hurtling down the 3500 South in West Valley in the terrible construction zone by the Valley Fair Mall. You are in the drivers seat, surrounded by several tons of brown metal, with 5 other souls encaged behind you. Their lives are in your hands. You can hear them quietly praying to whatever God they still want to believe in. You are approaching a green light. Everything is perfectly fine except the engine is roaring in your ears like a mad demon in heat. You are trying to remain in control in spite of the fact that everyone on the road is cutting you off. No one wants to be behind a big, brown truck. They would much rather cut you off so that you can roll over them and grind their bones to dust in a single chomp. You are almost to the light now and the light is still green, and is going to remain green, but then the Instructor screams, "YELLOW!!!" in your ear at the top of his lungs for no good reason at all.

What do you do?

a. slam on the brakes
b. put the pedal to the metal
c. wet yourself
d. nothing - He is just trying to piss you off
e. get pissed off - Because he is trying to piss you off
f. scream "No it's not you godless bastard!" back at him, and punch him in the face.
g. remain calm
h. chuckle and make an excuse for whatever it is you think you did wrong


And remember, folks, if you don't answer this question correctly you will be killed by ravenous timberwolves.

The correct answer of course is d. But you can get bonus points if you answered e, because you have to be a long-time UPS pro like me to understand that UPS management wants everyone to be pissed off all the time. If they ran the world it would become a better place overnight because the weak would be mercilessly killed and fed to the hub rats. Things are much more efficient when everyone is pissed off all the time. That's just common sense.

So remember to thank your UPS driver next time you see him, because after all, you don't know what he has seen.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Long Week of Learning and Stuff

First, something a bit disturbing, and funny, and beautiful all at the same time.

That is one of the strangest, and best commercials I have seen in a very long time, and it was also the highlight of my work day. This week I am being trained how to be a UPS driver. All week long. Most of that consists of sitting around in a training room watching videos about hazardous materials, and memorizing a lot of things word-for-word so that I can pass silly tests.

Today was dedicated entirely to safety for 8 straight hours. We watched a lot of boring videos. A few really scary ones. (Don't ever drive a car. It's not worth it, I say.) But that one made me smile, and cry a little. Then we did some tutorials on the computer which made me want to punch myself in the face and die.

I don't really understand why the entire week of training to be a UPS driver requires all this sitting around, and only a couple of hours of actual driving. But it's forty hours of easy money, and I guess it does beat working.

Chewy Chompers and Other Such Silliness

Thursday, November 5, 2009

How I Got Myself a Woman In Spite of Myself

October 25, 2008

*Alright, alright. I am now getting around to what I said I would do. Just a little late. So sue me. I’ve been busy.

My first date with Rachel, I must admit, was not my finest romantic moment. Actually, I don’t have very many romantic moments. I spent most of my life trying hard to avoid watching romantic movies. I mostly stuck to the ones where things blow up, and so I missed out on many valuable lessons on how to be a proper Don Juan. Nevertheless, I embarked on this date with a sense of adventure, and a near complete indifference to the rules of proper dating. I didn’t even know what those rules were. In fact, I still don’t.

My thinking, at the time, was that I had only talked to her on the phone. So the worst thing that could happen is that she could hate me and we never speak again. I might miss her sexy voice a little bit, but I could get over that. So I saw no purpose in pretending to be suave. If I got past this first date, somehow convincing her I was a smooth man, then she would figure out the truth soon enough. After all, I couldn’t possibly keep up the ruse for very long. So I decided to just let it ride.

I was also pretty much broke at the time. I had very little money. But for some reason I decided that this was not a problem. I asked her to go with me to this exhibit I wanted to see at the Utah Museum of Fine Art. Apparently that was a smart move, and was seen as impressive because it wasn’t the same old thing that every guy does for first dates. I’m not sure that I would have done anything different even if I hadn’t been in poverty at the time. I was just keeping it within what I know. I like art.

I picked her up from her house. It was a little bit tricky to find it, but I left early so that I could get lost on the way and still make it on time. I’m very experienced in the department of getting lost. But I’m never late, and I have always made it back home in the end.

I wasn’t entirely confident in knowing what she would look like, exactly. I had seen pictures, but you can never trust pictures. I know this very well. So I had this deep anxiety that she would have a sister or something that would open the door, and I wouldn’t be sure if it was her or not and it would cause a very intense situation. (This actually happened to me once.) I should have asked her beforehand if she had any sisters. It turns out she did not, and she answered the door promptly, avoiding any confusion. She did, however, look much, much cuter than her pictures which were pretty cute to begin with. I don’t consider myself overly shallow, but I am a man.

I was very badly dressed. Even I can’t really deny it. I just wore what I had. And it turns out that I didn’t have much. When a guy spends a lot of years doing nothing but working at UPS, and mountain bike racing, and camping, and getting lost in Iceland, and those sort of things, he doesn’t really take time to develop a proper wardrobe. That’s just the way it goes. My car wasn’t very impressive either. I had just bought it a few days before so that I would have a car for this date. Well, maybe I bought it for other reasons too, but that was one of the reasons. Because of my poor financial situation I was forced to buy a car on the cheap. That would come back to haunt me for a very long time, so let’s not dwell on those dark times.

As we drove North from Cottonwood Heights to the University we made pleasant small talk. Just the sort of talk that people make who have never met before. She asked me if I was nervous. Of course I was. But she told me I didn’t look nervous. I took that as a compliment. After all, if she only knew how I felt inside she would just laugh at me for sure. But she explained to me that she was so nervous that...never mind, let’s just say she told me she was very nervous. I didn’t think she looked nearly as nervous as I felt, but I had no doubt about my ability to look calm. Calm is my only facial expression most of the time. My life has mostly taught me that it never helps to lose your composure in high stress situations. Although I have now learned that it sometimes frustrates girlfriends when they can’t read you.

We arrived at the museum without incident. I paid the admission fee. I wasn’t a total bum. It turned out that we had missed the exhibit that I had wanted to see. My pal Walt had lied to me about the dates, it seems. But I will take the blame for not checking. Nevertheless, there is always a lot of art to see in the UMFA, so I took it in stride. As we explored the museum and all its art I had no idea how I was supposed to behave in this situation so I just decided to act as if I was hanging out in this museum with any of my old friends. Apparently this decision paid off because Rachel was very impressed that I didn’t hover around her all the time. If she wanted to go look at something across the room, and I was looking at something, I didn’t just follow her over there. Apparently space is a valuable thing. But at the time I thought she would think I was totally neglecting her.

I don’t even remember anything of what we looked at while we were there. Those details are all gone now. After we left we went to get some food at the Training Table, where I continued to behave badly and break all the rules of dating. I won’t go into detail. I don’t remember it all that well either except by what I have been told. Apparently I talked about myself a lot. I’m sure I was deciding to just lay everything out on the table and see what happened. A lot of people can’t handle my weirdness, so I probably just figured it best to get it out of the way.

After that I took her home, and I don’t remember that part at all. I just assume I took her home because if I left her at the Training Table she would have dumped me right then for sure. I don’t remember the end of the date at all though. I do remember that later I was debating in my mind whether or not I should call her again. I figured I had struck out in every possible way. I had flouted every rule of how men are supposed to behave in order to be attractive to women. She would reject me for sure, but hey, it had been a learning experience. Next time I would be better prepared to face down my weird anxieties. But I still wanted to call her again. I wanted to do better. I wanted another chance with this girl.

Although most of the date is a blur now, it was clear to me then that I liked her a lot. She was smart, and pretty, and laughed at my ridiculous adventures. (Some people just stare in horror when I try to explain myself to them). She had some good stories of her own. I was very impressed that she seemed to be a girl who could hold her own in life and wasn't just a crazy manhunter. I felt good enough about her that I figured I better follow through on it, or I would be sorry. So I told myself that I would call her again, and if she wanted to shoot me down than that was her choice. If she didn’t want to see me again, then she would just have to say so.

And so I called her again. Why not? And somehow here we are, a year later, still together. I don’t understand it, but I’m grateful for whatever it is that I did right. Being with her has made me feel a lot better about myself, and I know that she loves me for who I am. She sees through all my silliness and lets me keep it real. I don't want to be with anyone else. I know that she is right for me, and I hope that I am right for her. And that’s the story, or the parts I remember anyway.