Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jumping Off Cliffs With Friends

If you were ever wondering if I would jump off a cliff if my friends did first, the answer is, "Yes". I have done it. Although I must also point out that it is no simple task, and should only be done by professional adventurers like us.

Look at me. I'm so very tiny.

Colby calmly peers into the depths...and

He jumps, deftly maintaining his cool. Scores: Execution 9.7, Artistic Interpretation 9.4

Brandon tries not to throw up as he contemplates the meaning of life and death.

Flails wildly in one last defiant, panic-stricken gesture to the Gods. Score Execution 4.3, Artistic Interpretation 10.0

1 comment:

  1. Wait, this is the cliff you were talking about? I though you were talking about jumping from the dam into insanely tiny 6ft round hole at the bottom of the dam.

    This is a respectful cliff, (nerve racking but respectful) I use to jump this one all the time....I'll have to find the pictures some time.


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