Monday, August 8, 2011

I Need Some New Inspiration

I haven't been doing much photography lately. I have some strange photos that need to be released from my mind, but I'm not quite ready yet. So last night I went and photographed some silly kids at the Zombie walk in SLC. Along with trying to get some silly pictures, I was also using this weirdness to reflect on other dark themes that I am thinking about lately. It was good times, and reminds me that we all could use a bit more weirdness in our lives. Or at least I could use some anyway. I'm not sure what it is that draws me to these kind of things. I have an unnatural fascination with the end of the world. And although Zombies are mostly pretty lame, they do symbolize the ongoing de-evolution of humanity rather well.

Of course, photographing zombies is no easy task. People pretending to be dead looks nothing at all like actual dead people. It ends up being cheesy, which isn't necessarily bad. Zombies are, after all, somewhere near smoked gouda on the cheese scale. Therefore, I threw myself into this crowd and had a good time trying to capture some authentic zombie moments.

I posted some on my photo blog, but I felt I had to omit one of my favorites for conceptual reasons. And that is why I have decided to post it here instead. I love this picture because this girl looks so completely not dead. She is way too happy to be remotely believable as a zombie. It makes me laugh, but is still kind of disturbing. Maybe even more disturbing than the other ones. The look of child-like wonder in her eyes is priceless. It's like someone is about to hand her a new baby kitten, right after she finished eating the last one.

I apologize. That last sentence was a horrible thing to say, and not quite accurate to the real scene. In fact, she was in reality looking at a human baby when I took this picture. That's the truth. No animals were harmed.